Lion Mane

Logo Design & Branding

Overview: Designing a set of branding elements, including a logo, taglines, and two touchpoints for a mundane object using 7 StoryBrand Principles.

Goal: For this project, we were asked to make a mundane object into something more meaningful to the audience through branding. The object chosen for this project is a plain black hair tie.

Challenge: The rule is to follow 7 Storyband principles and create a thorough brand guideline no a non-existing business. The most challenging part for me is defining the problem of the object. The final design drastically differs from the initial ideas and sketch because of new insight I found throughout the design process. I spent a lot of time changing the format to reflex that.

Target audience: Lion Mane’s primary target audience is single dads with long hair and young daughters. These are urban men with busy lifestyles and disposable income.

Logo & Tagline: We picked the male lion as our logo because the lion is one of a few animals that can grow their hair. Lions are also brave and proud, a good mascot representing men. The logo has a fun and childlike approach to attracting children. This product is something they can share with their daughter and spend time bonding with them by doing their daughters’ hair. They buy this product not only for themselves but also for their daughters.

Color & Typeface: We picked a display typeface that looks more casual and fun to match the brand’s identity. The primary colors, blue and red are colors representing masculinity and trust.

Subscription Box Service: Understanding the customers’ busy lifestyles, we create a customizable subscription box service delivered to their doorstep. The highlight of this service is the box itself, with fun and interactive design elements so the dads and their daughters can interact with each other.

Instagram post: Lion Mane’s Instagram focuses on posting memes and dad jokes. Research shows that people tend to remember jokes and memes longer and are likelier to share that with their social network. This is a great way to attract more customers to the company.